Tikkun Olam…Let’s Repair the World!

“Change is the only constant” quote our ancient texts. Change leads to growth and evolution influencing societies and science. Sadly, enough the ‘Selfie Culture’ and ‘not looking beyond one’s nose’ seems to be trending in the modern age. Spirituality and morals are diminishing like blood losing its nutrients leading to an anemic state! The new species of human is running in a race of materialistic values and feeding off the ever nourishing ego! In this race, basic morals and values have limited and self-centered meaning. It’s like the world is turning into a melting pot of selfies.

So what defines a person with values and morals? To summarize its three things, first the core values or sanskaras, then internalizing or inner understanding of these core values and lastly the behavior. One is born in an environment or society with its core values, thus from birth one is unknowingly under their influence. Next, education, socio-economic status and the exposure to world views helps in interpreting these core values and molds the individual’s understanding of them. This is followed by how the person behaves outwardly, that is, how understanding of core values translate into conduct. The personality traits of an individual shape their immediate environment with its domino effect shaping the society and the world at large.

These days information and knowledge is king and the business of guru swamis along with new age counselors is booming. Parents are burdened with guilt and bombarded with ideas to be conscious parents with the hope of raising better human beings. Despite all efforts, more children and young adults are seeing counselors to address anxiety, depression, anger, guilt and fear. Bullying is rampant and school teachers require formal training to deal with it. This is because mere knowledge or sermons cannot change the mindset and age old tuning overnight.

The World consciously needs to adopt the Jewish/Hebrew concept of ‘Tikkun Olam’ (tee-KOON oh-LUHM). These meaningful words are part of a Hebrew concept referring to ‘Repair the World’ by shouldering responsibility not only for one’s own moral, spiritual, and material welfare, but also for the welfare of the society. It further states that one needs to be in partnership with the creator to for improving the state of the world by helping each other. While the world is innately good, the creator left room for humans to improve on his work and bring it to a harmonious state for which it was created.

All cultures and languages have similar messages to guide humanity for future betterment and evolution of the species. The Vedas and the Gita encourage, “Mansa Vacha Karmana” to be on one plane in your Thoughts Words and Deeds. In simple words, speak what you think and do what you speak and think. Only then humans can be in partnership with the Divine creator to repair the world for positive growth and evolution. Let us all consciously replace the selfie world and practice humility, gratitude, compassion, integrity, empathy, understanding and kindness to understand true meaning of truth, love and light.

This blog is inspired by the teachings of Meena Om ji

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