Tune in to the universal frequency, MEENA OM says … Seek out prakash, the light that illumines, that lets you grow and evolve on the path as seeker. Prakash is the inner power that negates setbacks. By filling yourself with prakash, you live in light. Feel it, the effulgence of the whole universe that is your bliss, as the sufis say. It’s all about balance. Brahmand, the Supreme, has buddhi, intellect. Brahmand is body and Brahmn is throbbing life. Supreme intelligence creates the universe and it is a moment-to-moment growth going towards perfection. We, too, have consciousness in us, Brahmn. For we are small replicas of the supreme intelligence. We get tuned in to the frequency of our surroundings and the people we deal with. So we need to de-tune ourselves from all this — the externalities — in order to tune in to the universal, supreme intelligence. We should…