Meena Om
Karm, action is not something external alone. It also involves consistently working on the inner self. The most important aspect of internal karm is to synchronize breathing with awareness. Awareness of every aspect of life, what is happening around us and in the world. Only then both the planes -- worldly and spiritual -- can be balanced. Right breathing technique involves aligning the breath with constant sumiran, remembrance, and through it, connecting with the Supreme energy that is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. The cyclical waves of inhaling and exhaling are the medium to transmit thoughts into the Universe. It is common knowledge that when a truthful sankalp resolve, is sent forth, the whole universe conspires to fulfil it. If we are not aware of our thoughts, we often transmit things that are according to mind’s tuning, which is a product of our environment and thinking patterns. We must be aware of our capacities and our special purpose on Earth. Knowing our thoughts, resolves, what is happening around and within, knowledge one is gaining from media, books, events, people and situations – is awareness. The next step is to synchronize your determination, idea or vision with the rhythm of breathing. Chanting silently along with the breath, any small mantra helps to remember and connect to the supreme energies. Pray for the divine form and divine attributes to descend within the being. Realizing this mechanism of creating a link with Universal Energies is what breathing with awareness means. Usually while we breathe,
Pranam is a movement dedicated to establish Nature's Law of Truth Love Karm and Light by the spiritual realization of ever- evolving Universal Consciousness.
Recently I visited Kolkata after a hiatus of 6 years. Oh! Kolkata… How my heart pained seeing you. It seemed as if time has stopped in this city. Everything felt dull, stagnant, old and neglected. As if to validate my feelings, lining the streets like bored children seated in an equally uninspiring classroom, were yellow Ambassador car taxis. While the world has moved on from automatic vehicles to self-driven ones, Kolkata seemed to
Mahika Nisha
A Butterfly spreading its silvery wings full of magical colors fluttering and dancing on the sweet scented flowers is an unforgettable sight. It etched a deep image in my mind remembering which frequently brings joy. Why am I so enticed by a Butterfly? And why my heart wants to hold on to this beautiful image and the feeling of blissful joy it brings? Deep in introspection the answers flashed, the Butterfly brings a
In conversation with Meenaji… Seeker: What is the significance of the Eclipse in our lives? Meena ji: Solar Eclipse or any other eclipse is the accuracy of the rhythm of Nature. At an accurate time, the celestial bodies align perfectly and today the Earth Sun and Moon will align…will come under one gravity. The word Eclipse should not be taken as something crippling or negative. Instead we should look at this as a
Mahika Nisha
Sleep -- the universal experience of restful time when the subconscious takes over and a time when the body and the mind go into a cleansing mode. The mind transforms into an efficient editor and sifts through the files of memories and experiences,  discarding, storing or incubating the required experiences for future life moments. This process helps the human to quickly associate with the past lessons and adapt to whatever life brings in
A recent incident set me thinking about things that have no antidotes. Indulge in them if you have the courage to see them wreak havoc!! These are the infallible tools of the weak. The four main ones are – 1.Stupidity 2.Suspicion 3. Insecurity 4. Appeasement Stupidity – is a form of obtuse banality. Abysmal Intelligence is stupidity personified. The stupid just refuse to understand or see things from a higher perspective. Everything is

A Whatsapp based short duration course
Levels – 1,2, 3
Each level works towards progressive dhyan, awareness and mindfulness.
The Uniqueness of this Programme:

Collective strength has great potential. When channelised, this force can be used to initiate mass transformation.
Pranam calls out to all to connect at 10 pm every night to pray for healing humanity and resurrecting true dharm.