Meena Om
Krishna performs the Maha Raas on Sharad Poornima, full moon night in the month of Sharad, according to the Hindu lunar calendar. On this day Krishna is said to make gopis – souls of beings -- experience the ecstasy of merging of the Param tattva with the atma, soul. On Sharad Poornima, the moon at its brightest, its whitest and the moonbeams are at their curative best. While the sun gives growth and colour to the plants, the moon showers them with the medicinal qualities. And it also imparts ‘Ras’, juice, nectar to vegetation. In beings, moon imparts spiritual ‘ras’ that induces true joy of life. On Sharad Poornima it is at its maximum. Romanticism and creativity are at their best on this day. All evolved souls mystics, Sufis, poets all have spoken about the meeting of atma and Prabhu. Krishna made humans on this dharti feel the climax of sublimation, experience that orgasm, that anand which is beyond human capacity to think of -- that sublime state which occurs when soul merges with the highest entity. One can experience that divine feeling by being in His dhyan constantly, seeing Him everywhere, knowing that whatever is happening – it is His will. When you meet someone you never intended to, who made that happen? Hari. It is Hari’s wish that you meet this person, so accept and honour the situation as Hari iccha – Hari’s wish. And when you let go of your wishes and let Hari’s will prevail, gradually
Pranam is a movement dedicated to establish Nature's Law of Truth Love Karm and Light by the spiritual realization of ever- evolving Universal Consciousness.
Recently I visited Kolkata after a hiatus of 6 years. Oh! Kolkata… How my heart pained seeing you. It seemed as if time has stopped in this city. Everything felt dull, stagnant, old and neglected. As if to validate my feelings, lining the streets like bored children seated in an equally uninspiring classroom, were yellow Ambassador car taxis. While the world has moved on from automatic vehicles to self-driven ones, Kolkata seemed to
Mahika Nisha
A Butterfly spreading its silvery wings full of magical colors fluttering and dancing on the sweet scented flowers is an unforgettable sight. It etched a deep image in my mind remembering which frequently brings joy. Why am I so enticed by a Butterfly? And why my heart wants to hold on to this beautiful image and the feeling of blissful joy it brings? Deep in introspection the answers flashed, the Butterfly brings a
In conversation with Meenaji… Seeker: What is the significance of the Eclipse in our lives? Meena ji: Solar Eclipse or any other eclipse is the accuracy of the rhythm of Nature. At an accurate time, the celestial bodies align perfectly and today the Earth Sun and Moon will align…will come under one gravity. The word Eclipse should not be taken as something crippling or negative. Instead we should look at this as a
Mahika Nisha
Sleep -- the universal experience of restful time when the subconscious takes over and a time when the body and the mind go into a cleansing mode. The mind transforms into an efficient editor and sifts through the files of memories and experiences,  discarding, storing or incubating the required experiences for future life moments. This process helps the human to quickly associate with the past lessons and adapt to whatever life brings in
A recent incident set me thinking about things that have no antidotes. Indulge in them if you have the courage to see them wreak havoc!! These are the infallible tools of the weak. The four main ones are – 1.Stupidity 2.Suspicion 3. Insecurity 4. Appeasement Stupidity – is a form of obtuse banality. Abysmal Intelligence is stupidity personified. The stupid just refuse to understand or see things from a higher perspective. Everything is

A Whatsapp based short duration course
Levels – 1,2, 3
Each level works towards progressive dhyan, awareness and mindfulness.
The Uniqueness of this Programme:

Collective strength has great potential. When channelised, this force can be used to initiate mass transformation.
Pranam calls out to all to connect at 10 pm every night to pray for healing humanity and resurrecting true dharm.