Invoking Energies…

Invoking Energies…

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We might have knowledge, means and the tools to perform tasks, but without shakti, strength, or right guidance, we cannot accomplish anything. The Universe does not have any knowledge. It only has energies which carry knowledge. The thoughts and gyan of all evolved souls reside there. By igniting these energies, and connecting to the evolved ones, we can get their pure knowledge. That is why invoking and calling out to them is important. 

For example, if you are an artist, ignite Goddess Saraswati. Since the aspiration is to draw, it will initially bring some strength into your lines. Then as the abhyas, practise, ripens, these lines will become alive, the colours too will vibrate.

If writing skills are to be improved, then get connected to evolved writers, and their thoughts will start seeping into your written expression. And through constant invocation in absolute surrender, your writing will be satyam, shivam, sundaram – truthful, benevolent and beautiful. 

Do sadhna, practise of igniting the energies for everything that requires a skill. This should be like an intense prayer from the innermost tranquillity. Then one can reach a point where the energies will guide and direct effortlessly. 

When a direct connection is formed, the mind stops interfering; then all the forces descend according to the time requirement. Whatever chore is done, be it cooking or cleaning, or gardening, it will beautiful; it will touch all to make the environment beautiful.

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