Tikkun Olam…Let’s Repair the World!

“Change is the only constant” quote our ancient texts. Change leads to growth and evolution influencing societies and science. Sadly, enough the ‘Selfie Culture’ and ‘not looking beyond one’s nose’ seems to be trending in the modern age. Spirituality and morals are diminishing like blood losing its nutrients leading to an anemic state! The new species of human is running in a race of materialistic values and feeding off the ever nourishing ego! In this race, basic morals and values have limited and self-centered meaning. It’s like the world is turning into a melting pot of selfies. So what defines a person with values and morals? To summarize its three things, first the core values or sanskaras, then internalizing or inner understanding of these core values and lastly the behavior. One is born in an environment or society with its core values, thus from birth one is unknowingly under their…