So, the trophy goes to…. Ramdev ji or IMA?

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We are heading towards the merging of Ved and Vigyan.  The people who practiced para methods in the ancient Vedic culture were seer scientists, the actual founders of Universal energy therapies and its derivatives. The basis of these alternative methods is also scientific. Modern scientific solutions or therapies are based on seen anatomy. Today scientific doctors have almost completed the work in seen anatomy only to realise that their questions are still unanswered. They have worked on all the seen organs which have remained the same since the human body came into existence, hence it has been easier for them to go on working on these systems learning almost everything about their functioning repair and cure through surgery and drugs. However, now they have reached a point of saturation. Taking advantage of this state, alternative therapies have mushroomed all over little realising that these too are not complete. They just…

Nature’s Diwali

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On the dark, moonless night of the month of Kartik, rows of lamps flutter fearlessly, cutting through the abject darkness. This humble act represents the greatest law of Nature; that darkness can only be dispelled by light. Darkness of ignorance and tamasic inertia are hardest to overcome. Only awareness, dhyan and action in the right direction can uplift the human being towards ‘enlightenment.’  Shadows appear when there is resistance to light, and these become less significant as light emerges. It is a Natural law that the sun at its zenith reduces shadows.  Deepawali stands for the victory of truth over falsehood, as Shri Ram represented righteousness, while Ravan with his devious abduction of Sita ji, stands for is all that is arrogant, indolent and reprehensible.  Nature supports this principle of light of truth, and states satyamev jayate, truth pervades and prevails. She imparts equal energy to truth and falsehood, so…

Depression is not a disease!

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Vishaad – Aatm Manthan Ke Shivir O human, listen and understand this truth with dhyan. Depression is not an illness or disease. It is a plateau given by Nature to know the true meaning and importance of detachment. In the complete life cycle of a human being, state of depression is sure to happen at least 7 to 10 times, at an interval of 8 to12 years. The ashrams of our Vedic culture are based on this reality and mental state. This is a unique and miraculous law of Nature. In the state of depression, the human mind is disillusioned and astonished by worldly experiences. It is detached and is lost in its own world. The mind is either agitated and indulges in self pity and may even think of suicide, or as a result of aatm-manthan, self-analysis, it could gather itself, and determined with new enthusiasm, give truthful direction…

Love and Cruelty of Nature

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Love and cruelty are two sides of the same coin. It is the law of Nature – it takes as it gives. It crafts a puppet out of the five elements – air, water, space, earth and fire -- and in the end converting it back into five elements, Nature merges it in itself. Nature loves matter and being equally, for her own purpose. Her purpose is constant growth and when it sees obstacles in its path, through its tandav, dance of destruction – earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, storms etc., taking the support of five elements, it destroys them. It is all directed by Natural law and everything is layabadh, rhythmic. It is not necessary to return Nature’s love as much as it is to spread it further. The moon can receive only as much light as it is destined, and it reflects and spreads it further daily. Even if…

The Truth of Kaliyug

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O human! Know and understand this truth well that in Kaliyug -- the age of machines, to know the true form of sat chit anand and the absolute secret of Ved -- Truth and Vigyan -- Science, one has to be deserving. According to the time wheel, the age of machines is the time to know the importance of all the secrets and truths of Nature and the Universe, to shut the shops of falsehood, to remove all the hurdles and gaps and to know the true purpose of human life. This is the age to know the scientific reason for all disparities and dualities, to annihilate imperfection and falsehood, to transform Arjun into Krishn so that everyone is in Krishn consciousness -- wise, enlightened and ‘karmful’ so that now no well-established prosperous nation is ruined on the pretext of arrogance and indolence.  O human, Kaliyug is the stage for…

Pranam Aspires to Revive Ved Pratha

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Pranam is a synergy between traditional knowledge and skill sets with contemporary requirements evolving to generate requisite knowledge, to upgrade relevant skills and to foster right attitudes in order to develop high quality thinking. Be a motivated human and bring a change in the society our mission is to reinstate the significance of veds in the evolution of human body mind and soul, to state its truth and to inspire humanity to work on themselves so that they can grow on the path of evolution. Pranam further aims to direct human consciousness towards complete development so that it can reveal the secrets – e.g. of knowledge and science (gyan +vigyan) of human mechanism and the mechanism of the whole creation by cutting ignorance. Pranam believes in cycle of creation perfection and destruction. We are made up of five elements and finally, eventually, we will go back and merge into these.…

How to live in Divine Consciousness?

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Clarity reflects the growth of consciousness. It develops by constant and progressive, deepening, heightening and widening of our being. It comes by cutting all bondages of mind, body and life. It descends when we are freed from the cobwebs of ego and begin to experience the light of soul. .....

The Litmus Test of Love

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Love in absolute purity is strength. Love is God, God is love. Evolution of love (growth of love): – We love only when someone loves us. We love effortlessly and spontaneously. We want to be loved in exchange. We love even if we are not loved in return .....

Initial steps towards illumination

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To illuminate the mind and being, initially it is imperative to practice OPENING and BLOSSOMING, two simple and peerless Laws of Nature. For OPENING, whenever you remember or think of someone send a mental message (sms), of love, goodwill and prayers to that person. This message should be unselfish .....

Seen and Unseen Anatomy

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We are heading towards the merging of Veda and Vigyan. The people who practiced para methods in the ancient Vedic culture were seer scientists, the actual founders of Universal energy therapies and its derivatives. The basis of these alternative methods is also science. Modern scientific solutions or therapies are .....