Does Gita incite violence?

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There is a raging debate on social media these days that asks the following question - 'Krishna says in the Gita that even hurting someone’s heart is violence, but how come an avatar who is a promoter of love incites Arjun to fight? Does Gita incite violence?' The Mahabharat is actually a struggle for righteousness to survive so humanity can benefit in the long run, so imperfection does not thrive. The Kauravas and their clan did grave wrongs -- they tried to kill the Pandavas on several occasions, trapped them an the house made of lac and then burnt it down; tried to insult them and disrobe Draupadi, their wife; cheated the Pandavas out of their kingdom through a game of dice and did not give them their rightful share of the kingdom. So this kind of adharm had to end one day, perfection had to surface so that the…

The Irony of Cowherds and Cow Protection

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In the name of cow protection and propagation and rearing,  samvardhan many divine qualities of gau mata are highlighted. From various platforms the meaning and importance of gau mata in Bharatiya culture, also know as a manifestation of kamdhenu - ''from whom all that is desired is drawn” or "the cow of plenty" are often heard. Suddenly many learned people and cow-worshippers are involved in this cause with all their might, just like many guru-swamis are engrossed in pravachans and kathas to save dharm. Gau mata, without a doubt, is a priceless legacy of Bharat, and every learned, evolved and aware Bharatiya knows its importance well. But can the problem of protecting the indigenous cow be solved by simply creating so many NGO’s, hunger fasts, protesting through dharnas and speeches from grand decorated podiums. To solve this problem, first we have to go to the root of the issue, which…


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Let’s Be Ganesha To Each Other The clay Ganesha murtis that you bring home for Ganesh Chaturthi take several weeks to be crafted out of clay, moulded, dried, smoothened, painted, decorated – before you can pray to them asking to remove all hurdles to your life; but what about you? Are you not supposed to prepare yourself too to invite divinity to visit you, bless you? Cleaning your house and surroundings is one part of the preparation, what is equally, in fact, more important, is cleaning yourself from inside; removing traits which are undesirable for human growth such as jealousy, envy, fear and  guilt. The Supreme has endowed each of one us with a special individual trait which can be developed to contribute to the welfare of humanity but many of us don’t know what their special individual trait is. Most people pray to Ganesha, also called ‘Vighna Harta’ --…

True Guru

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O human know the attributes of a true guru. A true guru does not belong to any class or caste. A true visionary, guide or guru has no caste or creed – naa hoye varg na hoye varan saancha guru soyee. He is not a brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya or shudra. He is not a Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh or Muslim. He does not belong to any group or class. A true guru is simply a superb human who has soul power aatmbali and is soulful aatmvaan. A soulful human with soul power is the one who can lead the masses, whose gyan-dhyan true wisdom and contemplation flows towards the deserving and his actions, karms are always directed through union with the supreme consciousness for the supreme goal and is forever dedicated to the supreme consciousness. A true guru is a mass of two attributes – one is soul power, aatmikta and…