Svadhyay – A close study of the Self – Part 3

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Before proceeding with penning down my musings on “Svadhyay” I find here an opportunity to profusely thank Venerable Meena Om ji, the originator and the exalted driving force behind this innovative platform of, to have encouraged me to lay bare my personal experiences, which I think, are never ending to uphold the infinite concept of swadhyay. It would be pertinent to refer to what Swami Vivekanand once told a seeker when asked how many persons have been influenced by his sayings. He said that even if he can change only one person in his life time, it will make his life well lived for. As truth is eternal and multi faceted, therefore, Swami Vivekanand succinctly opined that “Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true." Through these musings what I am conveying about my personal experiences with “svadhyay” is true as well.…

SVADHYAY – A close study of the self – Part 2

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Now starts the step by step story of my journey in pursuing “svadhyay”. Between the age of 5 to 10 years, children played “gulli-danda” or “kanche” or flew kites, all my innate self drove me to collect herbs, plant flowers, fruits and roots, macerate them and put them in one “pateela” discarded by my mother. In the name of fire, I used to make a “desi chulha” by using three bricks in stand on position. Collect dried leaves and dried twigs from a number of trees growing in our house. In the boiling cauldron, some salt and some sarson oil was put to prepare medicine, which in my juvenile mind, perceived to cure humans and cattle of their ailments. Apart from my innocuous shenanigans with plants, I took to reading “Satyarth Prakash” by Swami Daya Nand, Books by Swami Vivekanand, Swami Ram Tirath and Swami Satya Nand. These books was…

Meena Om ji – The most Proactive and Interactive Soul

It was more than two and half years since I had been on Speaking Tree site of Times of India. I as a seeker was pulled to interact with spiritually inclined souls. Initially after seeing so many famous names in the Master’s category at Speaking Tree fourm, I felt I could interact with them and revive the spiritual knowledge which is dormant in me. I know many will agree with me that this was one of the criteria for becoming a member of that esteem site which is suppose to be the first spiritual site in this country.I understood the importance of having the association of a Master who is a true Saint, and then I naturally wanted to have a one to one contact with them. I started to blog my thoughts and send Personal Message to them as I would send to my other seekers. After say about…

Dane dane pe ….

While walking towards the gate to catch my flight on Vande Bharat, the rescue mission Air India flight to New York. I stopped at the book store to pick up some magazines to occupy myself on the fifteen hour flight which was offering minimal in flight services. At the bookstore I also spent time looking for some healthy snacks for the flight. Ignoring my temptation for eating salted potato chips I settled for some roasted lotus seeds (makhanas) reading the label careful for the rock salt content, zero fat and protein along with an apricot almond bar and fresh juice. Tucking all the goodies in my bag I rushed to the gate for the flight. As expected the flight was full but the sight of the airline staff covered under the PPE suits was a bit surreal. Struggling to maintain the social distancing, dragging all the carry-on bags and feeling…

This Ministry Works!

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Having been in business for more than a decade and a half, the travails and tribulations of being a woman entrepreneur in India have been like climbing mount Everest most often than not. Until now. And how do I claim this? Through the two ‘AA ratings’ that are infallible hallmarks and the basis of our Culture – experience, anubhav and the subsequent realisation, anubhuti. Even though I have been banking with the second largest private bank in the nation --HDFC, my recent interaction with them has been nothing less than horrific. As the lockdown lifted and we all limped back to work metaphorically, the reality of having incurred huge losses hit me like a brick on the head! The shops we retailed in were shut, buyers cancelled purchase orders and unsold stock grew by the day. Chances of reviving manufacturing were slim as most migrant workers were still at home…

Gurubhyo Namah

“When the Shishya is ready the Guru appears” says scriptures. At times we hope of having a Guru so that our spiritual journey will be easy to tread with his guidance and blessings. There is a need for a Guru who can clear our doubts on Universe, Reality, Truth, and so on. One may wonder why ignorance cannot be dispelled by just reading religious scriptures. The scriptures are like a dense forest with unclear passages. These passages look contradictory and may have obscure meanings, diverse connotation, and concealed explanations with cross-references. Guru can explain the right meaning by removing doubts and ambiguities. Thus the essence of the scriptures unfolds for us. Guru is one who is versed in the scriptures, sinless, untouched by desire and experiencer of Brahman, who has united himself with Brahman. He is calm, like fire that has consumed its fuel with a boundless reservoir of mercy…

Svadhyay – A close study of the Self

Svadhyaya, as the name implies, has its origin in the hallowed Sanskrit language, literally interpreted as,” sva,” meaning “own, or one’s self or the human soul; and “adhyaya”, meaning a "lesson or a reading or to meditate or to contemplate..”  In other words, “svadhyaya” literally means “to read one’s self or to learn the lessons of your own soul or a close study of the self.” Svadhyaya is the key to deepening your spiritual practice as well as to improving your relationship with others and yourself. In the Yogic Parlance it also means studying the body and understanding its needs and limitations. In famed "Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali. practicing svadhyaya is regarded as a niyama (positive or righteous duty). By engaging in ‘svadhyay” it is imminent to get connected to the Universal Infinite Reservoir of Consciousness that is omnipresent in the whole universe and thus realize how an individual self aligns with that…

OMG!!! You have a Guru?

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Years ago, when I met my mentor Meena Om ji, my friends and family were distraught. My mother thought I had abandoned her for someone else, my ex-boss assumed I was possessed and controlled by a shaman and my friends looked at me as if I was someone weak -- dependent on a stranger for guidance! Till today, whenever I meet my buddies of yore, an eerie silence settles on their sagacious selves … the kind you get perhaps when you encounter an alien! It is strange that for a country that has evolved and thrived upon gurus and their disciples, this glorious parampara, tradition is frowned upon.  Of late, in some exalted circles having a guru is either too middle class or if your guru happens to be famous, wealthy and well connected, it is ‘cool’ on the surface but deep down you are still viewed as a freak!…

Zen of Spare Change

I was fastening my seat belt and getting ready to land after a long haul international flight when my attention was caught by the announcement of spare change. The airline was collecting spare change . . . coins in any currency for charity to feed under-privileged children. I quickly and mindlessly looked in my wallet and came up with a few dimes and nickels. I hurriedly threw them in the envelope and handed to the hostess, feeling good about my generous gesture! The plane landed and I reached my destination, quickly getting back into the motion of things; however, the fleeting feeling of doing something good remained. And I felt I should have put in the dollar bill too along with the coins for a better donation! Then I started thinking how much does this airline usually collect and how many mouths are actually fed? In my contemplation, I thought…

Dhyan and Energy

Dhyan and Energy Lying still on the examination table and feeling the movement of the probe on my abdomen for the ultra sound gave me moments of awareness. I was in a state of complete surrender and trying to go into dhyan but the consistent heavy breathing of the technician distracted me. After bearing the pain of constant pressured grinding of the probe on mystomach and listening to the deep frustrating sighs of the technician, I finally opened my eyes and looked at her. I gently asked her if she was tired as she was using her left hand and trying to operate the machine with her right. After a long moment of silence, she replied that this was a doppler test and getting the right images of my aorta was frustrating. She indicated that she was going to bring her supervisor to take the right images as she was…