Love and Cruelty of Nature

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Love and cruelty are two sides of the same coin. It is the law of Nature – it takes as it gives. It crafts a puppet out of the five elements – air, water, space, earth and fire -- and in the end converting it back into five elements, Nature merges it in itself. Nature loves matter and being equally, for her own purpose. Her purpose is constant growth and when it sees obstacles in its path, through its tandav, dance of destruction – earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, storms etc., taking the support of five elements, it destroys them. It is all directed by Natural law and everything is layabadh, rhythmic. It is not necessary to return Nature’s love as much as it is to spread it further. The moon can receive only as much light as it is destined, and it reflects and spreads it further daily. Even if…


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Let’s Be Ganesha To Each Other The clay Ganesha murtis that you bring home for Ganesh Chaturthi take several weeks to be crafted out of clay, moulded, dried, smoothened, painted, decorated – before you can pray to them asking to remove all hurdles to your life; but what about you? Are you not supposed to prepare yourself too to invite divinity to visit you, bless you? Cleaning your house and surroundings is one part of the preparation, what is equally, in fact, more important, is cleaning yourself from inside; removing traits which are undesirable for human growth such as jealousy, envy, fear and  guilt. The Supreme has endowed each of one us with a special individual trait which can be developed to contribute to the welfare of humanity but many of us don’t know what their special individual trait is. Most people pray to Ganesha, also called ‘Vighna Harta’ --…