The Truth of Kaliyug

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O human! Know and understand this truth well that in Kaliyug -- the age of machines, to know the true form of sat chit anand and the absolute secret of Ved -- Truth and Vigyan -- Science, one has to be deserving. According to the time wheel, the age of machines is the time to know the importance of all the secrets and truths of Nature and the Universe, to shut the shops of falsehood, to remove all the hurdles and gaps and to know the true purpose of human life. This is the age to know the scientific reason for all disparities and dualities, to annihilate imperfection and falsehood, to transform Arjun into Krishn so that everyone is in Krishn consciousness -- wise, enlightened and ‘karmful’ so that now no well-established prosperous nation is ruined on the pretext of arrogance and indolence.  O human, Kaliyug is the stage for…

Attachment and Detachment

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The dialogue on the group about attachment and detachment got some insightful answers….following conversation with Meena ji will bring further clarity to our views about detachment. We often seek answers thinking about detachment and find ourselves getting half-baked answers. One has to first understand the reason for attachment only then we can move on to detachment. One goes through life forming various relationships…some near and dear. This triggers expectations creating a set pattern of behaviors, like a mother is expected to behave in a certain way or a child is expected to have a set pattern of behavior etc… this causes everyone to fall in a certain category of expectations from each other. And when this does not happen one feels let down, burdened, sad and stuck…one starts holding others accountable for not meeting the set expectations of that relationship. Or in another scenario, a set measure or a scale…