The Sacred Lotus

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Nelumbo nucifera , the sacred lotus , our national flower is unique. Often confused with the water lily , Nymphaea stellate , lotus flowers are mostly pink and white. They have delicate petals, a glossy smooth water - resistant surface and a musky woody fragrance. Growing in murky waters , their existence is just short of miraculous. Amongst the various flower species , the lotus is the only one that can survive and blossom even after many years of dormancy and is also known to regulate the water temperature around it. All its parts are useful. The petals , stem , leaves , rhizomes , fruit and seeds are consumed in various ways in different cultures. Interestingly, the petals of a blooming lotus close at sunset and reopen with the first rays of the sun. This bedtime phenomenon of certain plants is scientifically known as nyctinasty and is a mechanism…