Three Mahadevis and the the Cycle of Time
Be aware O’ being! Use your intelligence to read and understand the message of time and awaken your sleeping wisdom. You are steeped in so much laziness, so much comfort that you cannot even see the legs of your own bed on fire! There are four yugas, times cycles or ages and each yug has three symbolic reigning divine powers. First, when the yug just begins, Mahasaraswati is predominant. Since the yug is still in its infancy, learning happens, wisdom and knowledge of science are gained for overall progress. Till this time, Lakshmi is not so dominant. Earlier, writers, thinkers, teachers were not deluded by the opulence of Lakshmi. Saraswati is served by way of sadhna or penance. At the time of youth of the yug, Mahalakshmi’s benevolence is showered on this very gyan and dhyan and slowly Lakshmi starts dominating and Saraswati starts to be traded and the yug’s…