To be Gunateet….

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There are three ways to rise above the attributes (gunas) the Supreme has endowed everyone with……

  1.  One is able to rise above the basic gunas – Rajas, Tamas, Sattva — that Supreme has endowed us with only once we have lived them fully. Let them play according to their intensity. Gunas will not go away if they are suppressed. This starts happening at a quick speed automatically once the being comes into the aura of the person who has lived his/her gunas, and has risen above them. Experience them and they will go.

  2. One can rise above the gunas by living them by wisdom…i.e. live them up to a point that one does not feel guilty or fearful …..have your OWN limit line…… This is your dharm.

  3. Third way to transcend them, become ‘gunateet’ is by practicing pranayam and yoga (doing sadhana) whereby one burns (bhasm) the seed of the gunas from their core, for this a true spiritual mentor is needed.

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